You Leaving or Staying?

  You Leaving or Staying?

Someone left the gate open, the door unbolted, the window cracked, the chain unsecured, the latch unengaged, the fence unfastened, so LEAVE!!

A bad job, a draining relationship, a mundane life? Leave. If it’s unproductive repetitious rigmarole, joy sapping, energy depleting, growth stunting, and hope annihilating, just LEAVE!!

Don’t be intimidated, it’s just latches, levers, and locks.

The funny thing about being confined and secured is, the mechanism that actually holds you is minuscule in comparison to the facade that is presented to keep you. A prison cell with its huge and massive iron bars give the impression that it is unescapable. In actuality, one does not have to break through the bars to gain freedom, just simply U manipulate the little lock. Nevertheless, if someone leaves the gate open, then LEAVE!!

If by chance, the gate being open, the door unbolted, the window cracked, the chain unsecured, the latch unengaged, or the fence being unfastened, offends you, then go lock it back. Sorry to bother you. 



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  1. Love that! Thanks


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